R Programming: Advanced Analytics In R For Data Science - Educate from Home


Saturday, February 17, 2018

R Programming: Advanced Analytics In R For Data Science

R Programming: Advanced Analytics In R For Data Science

Take Your R & R Studio Skills To The Next Level. Data Analytics, Data Science, Statistical Analysis in Business, GGPlot2.

What Will I Learn?
  • Perform Data Preparation in R
  • Identify missing records in dataframes
  • Locate missing data in your dataframes
  • Apply the Median Imputation method to replace missing records
  • Apply the Factual Analysis method to replace missing records
  • Understand how to use the which() function
  • Know how to reset the dataframe index
  • Work with the gsub() and sub() functions for replacing strings
  • Explain why NA is a third type of logical constant
  • Deal with date-times in R
  • Convert date-times into POSIXct time format
  • Create, use, append, modify, rename, access and subset Lists in R
  • Understand when to use [] and when to use [[]] or the $ sign when working with Lists
  • Create a timeseries plot in R
  • Understand how the Apply family of functions works
  • Recreate an apply statement with a for() loop
  • Use apply() when working with matrices
  • Use lapply() and sapply() when working with lists and vectors
  • Add your own functions into apply statements
  • Nest apply(), lapply() and sapply() functions within each other
  • Use the which.max() and which.min() functions
  • 6 hours on-demand video
  • 2 Articles
  • Full lifetime access
  • Access on mobile and TV
  • Certificate of Completion

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