Data Science: Deep Learning in Python - Educate from Home


Saturday, January 20, 2018

Data Science: Deep Learning in Python

Data Science: Deep Learning in Python

What Will I Learn?
  • Learn how Deep Learning REALLY works (not just some diagrams and magical black box code)
  • Learn how a neural network is built from basic building blocks (the neuron)
  • Code a neural network from scratch in Python and numpy
  • Code a neural network using Google's TensorFlow
  • Describe different types of neural networks and the different types of problems they are used for
  • Derive the backpropagation rule from first principles
  • Create a neural network with an output that has K > 2 classes using softmax
  • Describe the various terms related to neural networks, such as "activation", "backpropagation" and "feedforward"
  • Install TensorFlow
  • How to take partial derivatives and log-likelihoods (ex. finding the maximum likelihood estimations for a die)
  • Install Numpy and Python (approx. latest version of Numpy as of Jan 2016)
  • Don't worry about installing TensorFlow, we will do that in the lectures.
  • Being familiar with the content of my logistic regression course (cross-entropy cost, gradient descent, neurons, XOR, donut) will give you the proper context for this course
Who is the target audience?
  • Students interested in machine learning - you'll get all the tidbits you need to do well in a neural networks course
  • Professionals who want to use neural networks in their machine learning and data science pipeline. Be able to apply more powerful models, and know its drawbacks.
  • People who already know how to take partial derivatives and log-likelihoods. Since we cover this in more detail in my logistic regression class, it is not covered quite as thoroughly here.
  • People who already know how to code in Python and Numpy. You will need some familiarity because we go through it quite fast. Don't worry, it's not that hard.
  • 8.5 hours on-demand video
  • Full lifetime access
  • Access on mobile and TV
  • Certificate of Completion

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