Java Web Services - Educate from Home


Tuesday, September 12, 2017

Java Web Services

Learn how to design,create , consume and secure SOAP and REST web services from scratch in easy steps.

Java Web Services

What Will I Learn?
  • Understand why web services are so popular
  • Understand the different types of WS Design
  • Use Apache CXF the Popular WS Stack
  • Implement Contract First and Code First Web Services
  • Develop a Web Service Consumer
  • Secure Web Services using the WS-Security Standard
  • Implement SOAP Attachments
  • Master the REST web service concepts and Implementation
  • Create different types of REST Clients
  • Secure Rest ServicesHandle Errors In REST
  • Develop Asynchronous Web Services
  • Jersey REST Quick Start
  • Spring MVC REST Quick Start
  • Learn all the important web services interview Questions and Answers
  • All in short simple and easy steps
  • Use REST Attachments
  • 12.5 hours on-demand video
  • 1 Article
  • 36 Supplemental Resources
  • Full lifetime access
  • Access on mobile and TV
  • Certificate of Completion

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